What we can do for you.

We can provide your company with a

software/hardware package that meets

your needs and at a price you can afford...

In 2001, Recycler Guard created a revolutionary idea. The idea

was simple, provide software/hardware packages at a price well

below our competition, provide excellent service and support

for our customers and, above all meet and exceed the ever

increasing challenges passed by our state legislators regarding

the purchases of scrap metal/nonferrous materials.


Our customers are spread across the United States from the East

coast to the West Coast.

Our advantages

Price Matters!

Lets face it, most of the software

available today that are designed

for recycling centers will work

with your company.

Recycler Guard Will Work For Your

Recycling Center And You'll Pay

Less For It!

Excellent Tech Support

We Provide Tech Support When

You Need It! Our Hours For

Tech Support Are 8AM to 5PM

Within The U.S.A.

Everything Is Included

We Are Not Like Other Recycling

Software Providers! We Don't

Have Any Hidden Fees And We

Don't Charge For Additional

Modules. If You Need Scale

Integration, Additional Reports

, Inventory Management, etc.

We Provide It Free Of Charge...


When our computer went down back in May 2012 we called our recycling

center software provider for tech support. Tech Support informed

us that our version of their software was no longer being supported

and that we had to agree to purchase the new version at a cost of

$30,000. I researched recycling software providers for three days

before I chose Recycler Guard. Recycler Guard provided both hardware

and software for one third the price and installation was included.

Since our purchase we have called Recycler Guard on several

occasions and they have always helped without any delay...

Jack, Georgia

South Carolina passed several laws regarding the purchase of nonferrous

materials. We researched recycling software and found the cost too

expensive so we tried to comply with the law by manually taking

pictures with cameras and printing them manually...

That didn't last long... We found ourselves looking for recycling

software again and this time we came across Recycler Guard.

We chose Recycler Guard and they delivered and installed all

software and hardware for half the price of the other software providers.

Recycler Guard has been a great choice for us!

Ameilia, South Carolina